Eastern Arizona Courier (Graham County) logo
Job Description
LEGAL ASSISTANT $38,788 Annual Salary Excellent benefit package including holidays, vacation time, sick time, and retirement. Requires a high school diploma or G.E.D. and a minimum of two years' experience as a Legal Assistant or an equivalent position. Postsecondary education related to the development of legal clerical skills may be substituted for experience on a year-for-year basis. This position will be placed in the County Attorney's Office. To apply, contact our website at https://graham.az.gov/Jobs.aspx or the Human Resources Department, 921 Thatcher Blvd., Safford, AZ 85546. Completed applications can be submitted online or delivered to the Human Resources Department, 921 Thatcher Blvd., Safford. This position is open continuously until filled.

EmployerGraham County
LocationSafford, Arizona
WebsiteApply now